Kai at 2 yrs.

Kai at 2 yrs.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Kai to date

Kai has grown by leaps and bounds. She's also fitting into the household well. This week we had a serious tick bite that created a near dime size hole on her little face. Both she and I were not happy campers, well alright, I was not a happy camper. She just thought all the attention was wonderful. She's learning quickly....tasks that she's being trained for....and even those I am not specifically training for. She adores my Swedish Lapphund (the little black dog), but is quickly surpassing her in size and energy. She's a happy dog and enjoys her play. I've been able to leave her loose in the room at night (though I gate if off so she can't leave) and is thrilled she is no longer "trapped" in her crate. On the issue of the crate, she most often sleeps in the bedroom one and I have another in the living room that she can often be found napping in.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Week 21

Kai will be 21 weeks in 2 days. She continues to grow and change on a daily basis, with those changes come spurts of pure energy, followed by the lethargy that only a puppy experiences. She is quickly learning the things she needs to, though she is not doing so well with the lead chewing, despite repeated corrections. But that is part of being a pup isn't it now? The two newest pictures were taken this afternoon in the backyard, showing off her wonderful color transformation.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hi....Kai is in her 19th week in just a couple days...someday, we will look back at some of these pics and wonder how she was so tiny! lol....Thanks for visiting this page.